How it Works

Enlisting a team to help a friend has never been easier. Check out all the tools we've created to efficiently coordinate your team's efforts.


This tool helps you organize practical tasks, like meals, errands, transportation, child care and more. It allows you to fit helping a loved one into your hectic schedule.

Help Registry

Your friend’s needs may change during his or her journey. This wish list of items helps you buy a gift that you can be sure will be helpful.

Leave a Note

Keep your friend’s spirits up by sending an encouraging word.

Photos & Videos

Keep your team updated by posting pictures and videos throughout your friend’s journey.


This online journal gives the team organizer a way to keep everyone on the team updated on how your friend is doing.

Team Gear

This feature allows team members to order t-shirts, bracelets, or other items the team organizer designs to show support for your friend.


This feature is not currently available. 

Tips & Ideas

This feature is what sets WhatFriendsDo apart. Use our experience to make helping a friend in need a little easier.